Utah SKI Gear founders Esther Stokes & Travis Moise
"We believe snowsports are for everyone. We are a local Mom and Pop Ski Shop, that offers service and knowledge to the world."

Utah Ski Gear started in the fall of 2011. I asked Travis (my husband and co-owner) to clear out the extra skis he collected in the garage. As a ski instructor and avid bargain hunter he had a few extra pairs. We lined up the skis in front of our late model Subaru during the first snowfall, took a picture and listed all 17 pairs on Craigslist. They sold quickly and wow – it was fun and we made money! We decided to find more used skis for re-sale. Our first winter, we ended up selling 50 pairs of skis out of our rented townhouse and boom! Utah Ski Gear was born.
The following season, we decided to ramp it up and offer a more extensive selection of skis and boots. As our gear knowledge grew, we wanted to offer our skis tuned: with fresh wax and sharp edges. We starting learning about tuning and purchased hand tools and machinery. We found tools and practical knowledge hard to come by and decided to complement selling used skis with selling tuning accessories and wax. We started working with our first vendor: Wintersteiger, Inc. Although still a side-gig to ski instructing, during the winter of 2012/13 we sold around 200 pairs of skis and started offering complete ski packages.
In the spring of 2013, We purchased a house in Sandy with a dedicated space to run our ski shop and made Utah Ski Gear our main focus. We started offering appointments, a requirement of our home-occupancy business license. We found that the families we serve appreciate a dedicated time-slot and service. We operated the shop from our home for 3 seasons, and during this time expanded rapidly, selling more skis and more accessories each season.
Our success led to opening a brick-and-mortar location in Sandy, Utah in 2016. We have developed many services that have allowed us to grow and set us apart from other ski shops. All our used skis have a complementary Silver Tune and inspection. We offer returns for all our used and new gear. We offer appointments for large parties like families and busy customers, or anyone who would like extra attention.
The seeds of Utah SKI Gear were growing long before our first ad on Craigslist. We spent that time honing our skills, know-how, and gear knowledge which allowed us to grow into a thriving business.
Travis came to the table with a unique set of skills. With an education in Outdoor Leadership and a belief in sharing outdoor experiences, he began ski instructing in 1998. Originally from Massachusetts, Travis was first attracted to Utah by the 2002 Olympics but kept coming back for the great skiing. He worked for more than a decade as a full-time PSIA Level II instructor and trainer at Brighton teaching all ages and abilities to alpine and telemark ski, his specialty. During those years he developed an expertise in e-commerce, by selling classic Volkswagen parts, accessories, and cars on eBay. After thirteen years of driving and maintaining air-cooled Volkswagens, he developed the ability to understand his customer base. Travis is a good fit for e-commerce and re-sell– he has a knack for finding deals and a desire to help his customers.
I have always had a passion for the outdoor experience and sharing it. That passion led me to study geology. After college in 2008, I took my first ski lessons and met Travis, a dedicated skier and ski instructor. Shortly after, during the recession, I joined the ski industry. I worked seasonally for 8 years at Brighton. It was a magical experience sharing skiing and the mountains with so many people. I also gained an education and invaluable ski industry knowledge. I bring attention to detail from my science background and a passion for the mountains.

In 2021 we opened our second location in Midvale, Utah. The Utah Ski Gear Performance Center is home to the largest selection of ski tuning supplies in Utah. We are fully stocked with supplies from brands like Swix, Toko, Wintersteiger, Holmenkol, OneBall, FK SKS, and many more.
This location specializes in ski and snowboard tuning and alpine racing. Our goal is to provide our customers with the tools and education to maintain their own equipment by hosting educational waxing and tuning clinics for the public and our local alpine race teams.
We provide value in skis, accessories, and education locally, nationally, and internationally. Many Utah locals know our name for our $99 Ski Packages, which we have retired as our small business has grown and we are now happy to provide a variety of used and new gear in addition to tuning supplies, Boot Warmers, and other ski accessories both locally and online. You can also find us on eBay and Amazon and all of our products and services are 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
If you have any questions, please call or text us at 801-413-8009, contact us online or see our FAQs.
We could not have grown Utah SKI Gear without some amazing help, and we have an amazing team to thank for our success!
We look forward to helping you!
Esther Stokes & Travis Moise
Owners, Utah SKI Gear.
P.S. A special thanks to all those people who have come into our shop and purchased from us over the past 7 seasons. We are very grateful to have such wonderful customers that come back in and refer their friends!