How to Get in Shape for Ski Season

One of the most important- yet often forgotten parts about preparing for ski season is getting in shape! Getting in shape for ski season is critical for endurance, proper technique, and injury prevention. It isn’t just your legs that need to be strengthened; skiing and snowboarding are actually a full body workout.


Having a strong core will make a big impact on your overall technique. A weaker core will collapse, which reduces your forward balance and makes it harder to maneuver.

  • TV watchers plank- Lay down with your stomach facing the floor. Curl your toes and feet under you and balance on your forearm. Keep your body flat and hold this position for as long as you can- you can even watch a ski movie while you do it!


Chances are, you’ve felt your legs burning after a long ski run before. Usually this comes from your quads- one of the main muscles used when skiing. Strengthening your quadriceps muscles will improve your ski endurance.

  • Split Leg Jump Squats- Stand with one foot about a foot in front of the other. Lower yourself into a traditional lung and rebound up into a jump. Switch the front leg mid way through the jump and repeat the lunging motion. This exercise will not only strengthen your leg muscles, but it will also improve your dynamic muscle movement.


Improving your balance will increase your stability and allow you to stay in better control when skiing or boarding.

  • One LegSquat- Stand on one leg, with the other extended in front of you. Then push your hips down and back to progress into a squat. Stand back up and repeat a few cycles before switching legs. If you have a balance ball or pad, you can also increase the difficultness by standing on this while you squat.

Other Ski Exercises

  • Box Jumps: Similar to Split Leg Jump Squats, box jumps work on increase strength and power through the legs. They also
  • Skiers Edge: The skiers edge is an exercise machine designed specifically to train for skiing. It mirrors the action of skiing and trains the muscles dynamically.
  • Stretching: It is always important to spend time stretching when you are working out. Pay extra attention to your hamstrings, calves, and back.